Submit a TCR

Submit one TCR per document / course / curriculum.

Training Change Request Form

Pipeline Selection

1. Originator's Name
2. Originator's E-mail
3. Originator's Phone
4. Originator's Command
5. Originator's Squadron

6. Training System Affected (select all that apply)


7. Which specific training product
are you addressing?

(ex. - CAI/SY0103, EXAM/C1190, FTI/P-763)
8. Why do you believe this product
needs to be changed?

(ex. - NATOPS Change, misaligned with FTI,
TYPO, incorrect exam question, etc.)
9. Provide the specific content change
you believe will resolve the issue.

(include slide number, paragraph,
exam version, question number, etc.)

NOTE: All form fields are required.

Training Improvement Program | Submit a TCR