command patchHT-18 Vigilant Eagles // Training Air Wing Five

Squadron Patch

Statement of Significance

The three basic colors of HT-18's patch - red, white and blue - represent the colors of the U.S. flag. White signifies purity, innocence and peace. Red signifies hardiness, valor and war. Blue, the color of the Chief, signifies vigilance, perseverance and justice. The three colors also commemorate the universality of our squadron's students, instructors and staff hailing from all parts of the United States.

The vigilant eagle is our national emblem symbolizing strength and majesty. It also represents the persistence and watchfulness of the instructors in training the "best helicopter pilots in the world". The outstretched wings of the eagle are symbolic of the air superiority and the ultimate mission of the squadron; the designation of junior officers as Naval Aviators. The eagle rises from the sea of blue beneath and looks toward peace in the white background but is always ready for war with red at its back.

The gold trident is the traditional Navy symbol of power rising also from the sea of blue beneath. The three prongs represent the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard students and instructors at HT-18.

The Greek letter Omega, the last letter in the Greek alphabet, surrounds the numeral 18 and represents the final and great stage of training prior to designation. HT-18 is the last step to earning the coveted "wings of gold", a great achievement.

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